The main sports hall is 3,800m sq with a sprung wooden floor. It offers optimal flexibility for national tournaments and can be adapted according to the scale of the sporting activity. The hall has permanent markings which accommodate for 5 international sized netball or basketball courts or 12 volleyball courts or 4 badminton courts. It can be taped by arrangement.
The main sports hall is connected to the Netball Pavilion via a mezzanine walkway that overlooks the outdoor netball courts.
Saxton Stadium houses a separate purpose-built table tennis arena and has a small physio training gym.
Sports represented at Saxton Stadium:
- Nelson Bays Football
- Nelson Basketball Association
- Volleyball Tasman
- Nelson Netball Centre
- Table Tennis Nelson
- Nelson Giants Basketball
Accessibility: Wheelchair parking and access is available at the main entrance. A lift is located in the foyer to access mezzanine.